Payday Loan Service
Not everyone has gone through a financial struggle. However, if you have, you know it is not a fun process. Dealing with finances can be a very difficult thing to handle by yourself. At Indianapolis, our staff knows what it takes to help people get back on their feet financially. A payday loan. Yes, a payday loan is a great option when you need money in a hurry. No credit checks. No background checks. No hassles. Sounds great? Well, it is all true. See for yourself and apply today. What do you have to lose?
All of our loan specialist has gone above their job duties to help our customers with their financial problems. From auto loans to payday loan services, we have a service for you. If you are looking for cash in hand, see one of our loan specialists today. Not only can we get you a payday loan, but we can also help you on payments. Ask us about our monthly specials. The best part about our services is that we show all of customers that we care by giving you our name and direct phone number. Many companies don't want to deal with the hassle of talking with repeat customers. But not with us. All of the employees want you to return with great experiences. Share your experience with other customers to let them know how well we are doing. Trust in us and apply today to get started on your payday loan.
We know that you may be having many questions about our services. Here is a small list of payday loan frequently asked questions that we receive from the customers. If you have any additional questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at any time. An associate will be glad to answer all of your questions.
Payday Loan FAQ
Why Choose Indianapolis?
Indianapolis is a very honest and trusting payday loan company. Our mission is to reach out to every individual in the community and around the world. We want to assist people with cash advances and payday loan services. It takes a strong person to ask for help. Let us be the company that is along side of you through your struggles.
Why Is It Called A Payday Loan?
A payday loan is known as a short loan that allows you to borrow money and repay with your next upcoming paycheck. You can borrow up to several hundred dollars, depending upon the size of your paycheck. You are not able to borrow more than your paycheck. This is regulated by state law. No payday loan center can let you borrow money than what your paycheck is. Then you would not be able to survive. Instead, your entire paycheck would go to repaying your payday loan. We don't want that to happen either. That is why Indianapolis recommends that you do not borrow more money than you are in need of. You do not want to further your financial situation.
How Many Times Can I Apply?
You can apply as many times as you would like. However, you must complete and close one loan account before you can apply for another loan type. Otherwise, once your loan is completed, you can re-apply the same day if you would like.
What If I Have Bad Credit?
We love to tell people that bad credit is good. We do not even check credit scores or your credit history. That is why many people like a payday loan. It is quick and simple to get and repay.
How Will I Know I'm Approved?
Since we do not run credit checks, everyone is approved! Yes, we said everyone. At Indianapolis, we believe in treating everyone equal. Once you have completed and submitted your payday loan application, you will receive an email containing your payday loan information. This email will advise you of your approved loan amount, your expected due date and your payment amounts.
When Are The Repayment Dates?
The use of a payday loan is normally repaid by your next paycheck. However, we can help you if you know you will have an issue. Please contact us before your payday loan due date. There are extended payment plans that we can offer you prior to your due date. If you contact us after your expected due date, you will be charged a late fee.
Can I Have 2 Accounts Open?
Unfortunately no. You can only have one payday loan account open at a time. This is regulated by the federal law. You are not allowed to borrow more than the state will allow you. However, once you have paid off that loan and the account is closed, you can re-apply at any time.
What Is The Loan Amount?
Payday loan amounts can vary by each state. There are many states have a standard fee and other have a percentage of the amount borrowed. Make sure you are aware of all fees before you sign any documents.
Is My Application Information Stored?
Yes. We keep a file of all customers who have a payday loan with Indianapolis. If you wanted to re-apply for another type of loan service, you would have to complete another application. Unfortunately, each loan account is required to have a brand new application. We cannot transfer your application from one loan type to another.
Indianapolis is here to help you through it all. NO matter your financial situation or why you are in need of money, just know that Indianapolis is here every step of the process. No need to go through it alone. Instead, contact us today to get started.